I had a great meeting with some folks at OSL (Only Serving Love) today. We are working through the final details on how they can be a financial sponsor for my new non-profit, Puget Sound Hospitality. I'm really looking forward to working with the folks at OSL, they're really doing a lot of great work.
After the meeting I had the opportunity to help serve lunch at their outdoor meal site under the freeway. There were a lot of volunteers so I cleaned up the eating area which gave me the chance to talk to people about the kits we'll be putting together. I didn't learn a whole lot... It's fairly intuitive, but there does appear to be a genuine interest and need.
We didn't hand out any of my kits at lunch because I only had about 12 and there was at least 100 folks being served. On my way back to the ferry though, I was able to hand out 4 kits which were graciously received...often with a bit of a confused look as they tried to figure out what the heck I was giving them. I did get one "I only need a couple bucks and I'll have enough for some beers" so I really like having this cash-alternate option.
Now I'm in the process of website and kit development. I've got to develop contents for feminine hygiene, youth, and pet specific kits. If you have and ideas I'd love to hear them, just comment or email me. Once OSL helps me get set up I can do some fundraising, build some kits, and look into an order of subway cards for the kits and then that phase of the project can take off. I'm really excited about that aspect, I hope it goes as well as it's going in my head...
The website, still very much in development, can be found at www.sites.google.com/site/pugetsoundhospitality
Or use bit.ly/PSHospitality
Might be a bit before there's much to see there but I always appreciate feedback.
...suppose I should do some homework.
You're great! An idea that popped into my head while I read this was what about contacting local deli's, sandwich shops, or other food establishments about working with you on the food card idea. Maybe a local organization would be into the cause and donate? Or maybe Subway would? Just a thought!